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A farmer grabbed his 10-year-old son and asked, “Did you cut down that cherry tree?”

“Yes, Daddy, I did.” – the boy replied sobbing. “I cannot tell a lie.”

The farmer grabbed the boy, put him on his knee and whaled the tar out of him.

“But, Daddy,” the boy cried, “George Washington’s father didn’t do that to him when he cut down that cherry tree when he was a boy.”

“That’s true,” the father replied, “but George Washington’s father wasn’t sitting in the tree when he cut it down!”


The 5-year-old loved his daddy and hated to see him leave everyday to go to work. He asked his mom, “Mom, why does Daddy have to leave us and go to work everyday?”

Mom replied, “So he can earn money to bring home so that we can pay our bills and put food on the table.”

“Are you saying that if he doesn’t go to work everyday, we will have to eat off the floor?”


Two kids were hiking when they came upon a huge bear. One boy sat down, took a pair of track shoes out his knapsack and started to put them on.

“You’are wasting your time.” – said the other boy. “You can’t outrun that bear even with your track shoes on.”

The other boy replied, “I don’t have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you.”


A boy walked into a pharmacy and asked the pharmacist to give him something to cure the hiccups. The pharmacist merely leaned over and slapped the kid on the back.

“Why did you do that to me?” – asked the boy.

“Well, you don’t have the hiccups now, do you!”

“No, but my Mom out in the care still does!” – the boy replied.

The boy of ten was sipping his favorite strawberry soda at McDonalds when his pal strolled in. The boy looked up from the drink and said, “Thought you were over at Jenny’s house.”

“I’m through with girls,” the other said, “after all, they’re a dime a dozen.”

“You mean it?” – the boy again halted his sipping. “A dime a dozen? Gee whiz. And all this time, I’ve been spending my money on sodas.”


Two kids were hiking and were surrounded by huge granite cliffs. “I wonder where all this stone came from?” – one boy asked.

“I know,” said the other boy. “It came down when the glaciers came through here.”

“Well, the rock is here but where are the glaciers?” – asked the other.

“Well, er, uh, ahem. Well, I suppose the glaciers went back for more rock.” – was the reply.
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